NPR spots

01 May 2017 SPOTS
I’ve filed frequent spots for WDDE in Delaware and WCVE in Virginia, reporting on local issues of national importance for NPR.

Don’t Count On Travel Insurance To Cover Mental Health

02 May 2014 NPR SHOTS BLOG
It’s bad enough to be sick at home in your own bed, but so much worse when on vacation. People often buy travel insurance so they don’t lose the money they spent on airfare and hotels if they can’t travel due to illness. But if that illness happens to be a mental health issue, don’t ...

How Many Berlins Are There In The U.S.?

21 February 2014 NPR BERLIN
Berlin is well-known as the capital of Germany, but as it turns out, there are dozens of towns named Berlin all over the United States. To document the history of these towns, the German-American Heritage Museum in Washington D.C. decided to create the exhibit “Berlins Made in USA.” Carl Anderson, an employee at the German-American ...